Well, John..it seems you have caught the bug too. I have been having fun reading old online newspapers for about six years now. Before that, and over the period of many years, when traveling to areas for research, I found the places to stop were the local libraries, or the newspaper office, which carried many issues that go back 100+years. Via the USC libraries Digital Collection you can read (and print out) copies of the Los Angeles Star, from its start in 1852 up until near 1890s. And also read San Bernardino Star paper for a small fee, which I pay. They go way back. For anyone serious about real history, they go back to the earliest possible point of reporting, and not today's media. haha (which turned kind of slanted around 1970). Tis a good way to see how the country began taking shape, as well as local history. I like these articles you are sharing with all of us. Thank you so much for posting these articles. And I hope more are still to come.