Hey All.
So I got one of those fire abatement letters. The big juniper out front has got to go. This has got me thinking about redoing a lot of the landscaping around the house. I wanted to get some input on what people have growing up here that is well adapted to the summer heat, winter cold, and drought conditions. Let me know what you've had success growing.
I am really interested in an evergreen shrub or bush that can be used as a privacy screen or hedge to replace the old juniper. I have some lilac that does very well, but I am looking for something evergreen to replace the juniper.
I am also interested in fruit trees, berry bushes, grape vines, and the like. I have a few pear trees and an apricot tree that do very well. Looking into apples, cherries, plum, and the like. Of course apple trees do very well here, but is anybody having success with anything else?
Let me know what you have growing. Thanks!