Author Topic: Wrightwood Music Festival of 1994  (Read 11724 times)

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Wrightwood Music Festival of 1994
« on: Feb 05, 10, 07:41:49 AM »
thehallmarks wrote and provided the photos:

I was the co-chair of the event and Chuck Himber who started the Mt. High Pizza was the Chairman of the event.  The chamber was involved as was the Victorville Harley Davidson dealer--it was not a Harley event as all bikes were welcome. :2thumbsup:

Rumor has it there were an estimated 1000+ visitors to that event.  I have continued to hear comments about what a great event it was and why don't we have another such event.  However, not everyone was happy with the event!  There were some complaints about clients not being able to park near the businesses.  However, most of them are businesses that prefer "pedestrian" traffic and the event generated a large number of pedestrians.

Also, the complaint was heard that "bikers" don't buy anything they can't carry on their motorcycles.  That's correct but if they found items too large for their "bikes" they have "four-wheels" which they could and would use to come back to Wrightwood for another visit.

Another mistake most of those complaining about the "bikers" was the lack of knowledge of the "demographics" of the biking community.  The comment was heard that "bikers" don't have money, etc.  I suggest to you that anyone that has the "disposable income" to own a $15-30,000 motorcycle has some bucks to buy any "desirable" product available in Wrightwood--even a home!  ;D

[Has anyone noticed how many Wrightwood residents own motorcycles?]   :2thumbsup:

We turned over all the documentation for the event to the chamber but I have heard it has been misplaced.  ::)

BTW I heard comments from some of the attendees that they had lived in the high desert for years and had not been to Wrightwood.

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Re: Wrightwood Music Festival of 1994
« Reply #1 on: Feb 05, 10, 08:31:52 AM »
This was a nice event.  The music was great! The people who rode up were friendly...and what a great collection of motorcycles!   I hope it can happen again.    :2thumbsup:

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Re: Wrightwood Music Festival of 1994
« Reply #2 on: Feb 05, 10, 12:05:52 PM »
It was great! What a nice crowd!  :) They were incredibly well-behaved. Many brought their kids.  :)

The only locals who didn't like it were the ones who had watched too many "bad boy" motorcycle movies.  ::)

I wish we could do that one again.

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Re: Wrightwood Music Festival of 1994
« Reply #3 on: Feb 05, 10, 03:25:59 PM »
Forget about a park. We need a motorcycle racing course, then we can be Sturgis West!  ;) ;D

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Re: Wrightwood Music Festival of 1994
« Reply #4 on: Feb 05, 10, 03:38:45 PM »
I don't really remember the 1994 event, I probably had to work that weekend.   :P  But I have a T-shirt with the logo of the "San Gabriel Mountain Music and Art Festival, Aug. 12-13, 1995" on it.  I can remember sitting on hay bales in the middle of Park Dr., enjoying some incredible Bluegrass music. 

The most amazing thing about that T-shirt is that 15 years later, it still fits!  ;D  And, after 8 million washes, it isn't frayed at all.   

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Re: Wrightwood Music Festival of 1994
« Reply #5 on: Apr 24, 21, 04:38:22 PM »

