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Lone Pine Canyon Fuel Reduction Project

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The San Bernardino National Forest has released details about the proposed actions for Lone Pine Canyon Fuels Reduction Project.

The objectives, purpose, need for the project, proposed action and map are all available online at the Wrightwood Fire Safe Council website.

The final document has been signed and the Lone Pine Canyon Fuel Reduction Project will begin soon.

To see the final document:

Here's the latest on the fuel reduction treatment for Lone Pine Canyon.

During the past 2 weeks work has been started on the mechanical discing of the fuel breaks along the east ridge line. The operation has not been visible from Lone Pine Canyon Road because it's at the top.

Work was stopped during the Runway Fire and should resume soon.

They start at the top and work their way down because it's easier on the equipment going downhill.

Gabe Garcia, Front Country District Ranger from San Bernardino National Forest gave this update on the Lone Pine Canyon fuel reduction today:

SBNF has a dozer above Lone Pine Canyon working the fuels breaks nearest the community.  He has been pulled off on red flag days, when fire break out locally and when we are into a project activity level of "E".  On "D" days, he works until 1pm.  If he cannot make the progress we desire, we will order up 2 more dozers to assist.

The dozer operation is to disc using an implement developed at the San Dimas Lab. We currently have 2 available and have ordered parts to repair the 3rd.

In areas where the dozer cannot safely work due to slope, hand crews will follow-up to achieve the desired break.  We have placed an order for crews and have been putting every crew to work.  At this time, they are focused on a fuel breaks around Angelus Oaks, Big Bear and Arrowhead, where mortality and fuel conditions are worse.  As they wrap up the work above, they will be shifted up to Lone Pine to secure the gaps in the dozer lines.  I am hearing that they are close to completing some of the work on the Mountain Top so we should have crews down here soon.

Our plan is to put fuel breaks in place so we can pull off a prescribed burn this winter.  As you may have been hearing, we are expecting a mild el'nino this winter.  If this pans out and conditions are optimal, we may pull off two burns.  I don't know if we will be in prescription to implement the second burn but we will gear up to take advantage of optimal conditions.

The Lone Pine Canyon fuel break looks great and is about 85% complete.


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