Author Topic: Storing Fuel (gas or diesel)  (Read 2960 times)

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Storing Fuel (gas or diesel)
« on: Mar 15, 11, 09:51:24 AM »
What Happens to Fuel When it is Stored?
Stored fuel can break down to form gum and varnish deposits which clog your fuel system and make gas go bad. This can cause bad starting problems, increase maintenance costs and shorten the life of small engines.

Any fuel, be it gasoline, diesel, or heating fuel, is made up of many different organic compounds. These compounds are constantly changing over time and become new compounds that change the characteristics of fuel. Oxygen and other elements in the environment create new molecules that build up to form gummy residues or varnish-like films that can clog fuel lines, carburetors, and injectors.

Some fuels are treated with oxidation inhibitors that allow them to be stored up to two months without generating excessive deposits. Other fuels have no inhibitors at all. In any case, proper storage of equipment includes stabilizing the fuel to protect your engine.

Gasoline storage
I use a product called StaBil in any gasoline that goes into gas cans/conatiners. Before heading to the gas station take the empty container and add the appropriate amount of stabilizer and that way it thoroughly mixes while filling the container. That way any equipment that gets gas put in it always has stabilizer. I've never had a gummed up carburetor since I started doing this back in the 90's. Prior to that I was always tearing apart equipment that hadn't been run for a year or two.

Diesel storage
Before filling any 5 gallon cans with Diesel fuel I add a product called Fuel Power by FPPF. It disperses water, removes gum and varnish, controls bacteria growth and acts as a fuel stabilizer.
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