Have you ever wondered why Wrightwood has DSL and many large cities still do not have the service ?
It's because of a web page, a lot of emails and determined people.
A friend contacted GTE (now Verizon) and got in touch with a person responsible for setting up new services in the High Desert. (It should be noted that at that time only one location in the High Desert had DSL - Apple Valley, as DSL was still being tested) He was told that if a number of people requested the service it would help in future efforts to have service available.
It should also be pointed out that Wrightwood's phone system has had a poor history to say the least. We were one of the very last towns to be upgraded from a relay switching system. In the early 80's only a couple of fax machines were in Wrightwood. The two I'm aware of were at 1st Interstate Bank and the one my business had. The phone connections in Wrightwood were so noisy that every 3rd or 4th fax connection was dropped off due to bad connections.
Back to the DSL story: On Aug 10,1999 the web page below was setup and sent to everyone we knew, requesting their assistance. Each person was asked to send a quick email to GTE requesting DSL service to be established in Wrightwood.
Mar 1,2000 GTE accepted the first order for DSL service in Wrightwood.
On Mar 15,2000 the first 2 DSL connections in Wrightwood were online, while Cities like Anaheim hadn't even been considered for DSL.
DSL service in Wrightwood has been very stable since first coming online and we've only had a handful of outages that affected the entire town.
http://www.wrightwoodcalif.com/DSL/wwdsl.htmThe original web page remains online as a tribute to those people who helped get DSL in Wrightwood. Only the contact name and his email address have been changed.