The Hwy2 camera went down yesterday due to a power outage on Hwy 2. The power was restored late yesterday after the travel agency was closed. All computers were shut off when they left for safety reasons. The livecam computer was repowered an hour or so ago and is working.
The downtown camera was removed from it's previous location and does have a new home when we can get it installed properly. The issue of putting up a livecam is not something that can be taken for granted. It requires a great deal of work and planning to do it right. I've not removed the links from the web pages because of the amount of time to redo so many webpages as I know we will have another camera up.
As far as the 3rd camera goes it has been up and working 24 hours a day for as long as I can remember. Sure there are a few minor outages once in a while for maintenance, power outages, dropped internet connection. It may not be the most exciting shot for some to look at but it runs 24x7 has infrared capability and shows the ground close up. It's easy to recognize when there's snow, it's raining and best of all when wildlife shows up at the guzzler. By the way the guzzler is now heated so wildlife can have water available in sub freezing conditions.
A lot more goes on behind the scenes on maintaining this web site than most realize. It's not easy to keep 6 computers, a weather station, about 10 livecams and this entire website up and running 24 hours a day.
(Yes I maintain about 10 cameras in Wrightwood and wouldn't dare make them all available online as it's impossible to keep them ALL running without some of them being down. Check how many of the Caltrans cameras are usually down and you'll know it's not just me