A falling tree branch ripped the Frontier phone line off my house and now it is dangling from the pole, across a chain link fence and in the snow. Since we don't have a landline, I really don't need it reinstalled, I just want the hazard mitigated. Frontier online chat doesn't want to talk to me unless I want to establish an account. I've been given each of these numbers to call, and when I finally get a real person, they just give me another number to try. Does anyone know a different number other than 800-921-8101, 877-486-5667, 800-921-8101, 888-330-6244, or 800-987-3373? My worry is that while POTS lines are low voltage, a higher voltage cable above it on the pole could fall and energize the wires with something more dangerous, and right now, the line terminates in snow and a metal chain link fence. Could be a barbecue in the worst case scenario.