We have an issue in Wrightwood/Pinon Hills and Phelan where people are not able to get new High Speed Internet accounts (even some Land Lines I hear). Verizon is the provider of equipment that allows you get Verizon DSL, DSL Extreme, Linkline, AOL, etc. The problem is that Verizon has not updated their equipment to provide DSL for those needing it now, via Verizon or competitors that can offer it.
High Speed Internet is not a luxury as it once was, it is a necessity for doing business, school research, on line college classes, etc.. I'm sure Verizon probably promotes (like all other companies) handling any issues via internet rather than on the phone. How often have you reached a live person to help you with issues. Most often you are told to trouble shoot on line.
The problem
You are placed on a wait list until someone cancels or moves freeing up a line. This is unacceptable. DSL Extreme cannot give it to you, AOL cannot give it to you, all because Verizon has not updated their equipment to provide it (and all go thru Verizon). No one else can do this, Verizon is our provider, exclusive to our area (or a monopoly by not updating making it available thru them or via competition).
We will be contacting Verizon and the Public Utilities Commission on this to get it corrected. Please PM me your Verizon experience or problems to aid us correcting this problem.
High Speed Internet was part of the Stimulus program to get outlying areas much need service. We are not in the boondocks. Ours is an issue of Verizon just providing the service they should provide.
This is an item that will be on the MAC agenda until it is corrected.
Who can operate without High Speed Internet?