Author Topic: i'm submitting a USGS form to name the ridge behind Jensens Market  (Read 64638 times)

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Ipod, Itunes, Iphone, Imac, and Iridge are all for Itards  ;D

Offline TheSandman

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no name or noname ridge

deswood ridge - where the mojave desert meets wrightwood

orphan ridge - the ridge nobody cared enough to claim


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i'll keep taking suggestions!


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Forgotten Ridge...


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Just a thought.  If it has gone on for so long without a name why not just leave it that way?



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Storm Ridge


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I like Sumner Ridge.....


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Wrightwood has a point. I would get the hint that storm ridge got alot of storms or blocked storms or something...


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i wonder what the fire department (USFS) refers to it as when there's a fire on it...

Offline Wrightwood

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storm - Tall Tress did make mention of that in his earlier post:

I have hiked this ridge several times from the end of the road at Table Mountain all the way down to Sheep Creek.  I also was part of a firefighting effort that stopped the "Scout Fire" along this ridge back in the early nineties.  The downed signs and broken whisky bottles where there when I first fought fire on that ridge a long time ago and I am glad to here that they still remain so today.  I always refered to this ridge as the Swarthout Ridge being named after our Valley and I thing this would be a good name for it officially.

Swarthout Ridge


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i think it should be Storm Ridge, if only because in all these years, Storm is the only one who even thought to name it.

anyway, what's blue about Blue Ridge or grassy about Grassy Hollow. and where's the hollow?

Offline KW

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Okay, this topic has just been brought to my attention.

My husband and many of his friends hiked that ridge back in the mid to late '60s, and at that time, everyone called it Pinon Ridge.

He doesn't remember ever seeing that on a map, but it was always called Pinon Ridge.


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another person mentioned Pinyon Ridge to me a few days ago...


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There already is a Pinyon Ridge.  You can hit it from Vincent Gap on Hwy 2 or from Big Pines Hwy. 


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As I was flying over the area at 52,000 ft, it looks like the first ridge that seperates the desert and the town. It also looks like the San Andreas runs beside it. How about San Andreas Ridge?


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I too like Storm Ridge.  I know storm and he is a cool dude and a true nature lover.  Why not name it after him?

Offline Surfer_Dude

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We can get the guy who made the Walmart sign for the coronation. ;D


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the short-list for submission:

Wrightwood Ridge
Swarthout Ridge
San Andreas Ridge

i think any previous names that folks (esp. government agencies and emergency personnel) have used for the ridge in question would have priority.  too bad there's already a Pinyon Ridge...


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Richter Ridge

