B. Don't Cross-Post.
Posting your message in more than one topic is considered cross-posting. It doesn't speed up a response, and only irritates those trying to help It may also make it less likely that you'll receive a help the next time. If you feel the need to bring up your issue in another topic, please just post a link to the topic issue you started. This keeps things organized for everyone.
E. No Power Posting.
Power-posting is when board members post empty, or short useless messages in order to simply increase their number of posts more quickly. Examples of power-posting are replying to a message with only 'LOL' or 'I agree', but failing to contribute anything further to the discussion. Power posting clutters up the forums, clutters up the 'new posts' function, and uses extra bandwidth and server space.
Please remember that these rules are in place so all forum members & guests can find what they are looking for. Excessive cross posting and power posting are a waste of lots of people's time.